Steps for getting your student I-Pad device.
- Visit the Wriggle Store by clicking on the Button below.
- Enter the Wriggle code for Ériu Community College 85909398.
- Choose the I-PAD Device and follow the instructions in the store.
- Use the Wriggle guide in the link to the right or if you have any questions or problems please use the form below.
- The opening and closing dates of the store are listed below.
Wriggle store Dates
Wriggle Store Open 9th April
Store Closes on the 25th of June
Ériu CC Wriggle Code: 85909398
In Ériu Community College we Use E-Books to assist with our teaching and learning. All of our E- Books come from the publisher Educate. With the new free school books coming in for all junior cycle (1st to 3rd year) students we are currently planning for this. We will be in touch with more information in the coming weeks.