Welcome to Ériu Community College’s website (ECC). I hope that you get an insight into what we do, here in Ériu CC and what we are stand for in our vison, core values, practices and our expectations for all involved in the college. Ériu CC is under the patronage of Dublin & Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board (DDLETB)and we are a multi-denominational and co-educational community college.
I am very proud of all our students and staff who work together each day to make Ériu CC a wonderful place to learn.
Our college grows from strength to strength in the short time since we opened in September 2020. Ériu CC is very proud of the reputation that it has developed over its short history which is a result of the incredible commitment and great work carried out by students, staff and parents.

We have a wonderful campus, here on Barnwell Road with all our specialist rooms -an Art Studio, a Music room with our baby grand piano, a Home Economics Kitchen/A Science lab, a Technology Wood room and an Engineering room along with all our regular teaching rooms.
We have an Autism Class called the Misneach centre/class. (Irish word for courage) The students in Misneach are shining examples for all of us of how we should face our fears and strive to be the best versions of ourselves every day.
Our Vision Statement supported by our Core Values of Cooperation, Respect & Tolerance and Empowerment along with our Core Professional Purpose statements influence every aspect of college life. You will find more information of these here under the tab About Us.
We do our best to cater for all needs and we take great pride in wrapping our resources around the needs of the students in our care.
We are a digital community college where we all use i-pads to explore learning. See the Digital School tab for more information.
If you want to a quick guide to who we are and what we do please take a look at the About Us tab where you will find information on –
- Our Vision Statement, our Core Values and our Core Professional Purpose.
- Who was Ériu?
- Our Clann system
Also look at –
- The videos of students talking about what we do here.
- Some policies especially our Positive Behaviour Code with its Student Charter and Parent Charter.
- Our uniform and shoe page
In our Gallery, you will see photos of the extra-curricular activities that take place as well as photos from our awards ceremonies and photos of projects and initiatives.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website.
Michael J. Flynn, Principal